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  • Writer's pictureMallory Fuller

Real Talk: loving yourself beyond your physical appearance

HELLO FRIENDS!! I am really excited you are back here for another Happy Heart Blog post. Today I am sharing something that has become such a huge part of my life over the past couple of months- My personal mental and physical health journey.

I have been very candid here about my body image struggle. I have been 5’11 since the 6th grade, and with my height constantly being pointed out to me, an insecurity about the way I looked was formed. At the beginning of this year, I was the heaviest I have ever been. I was uncomfortable, insecure, and wanted to cry every time I looked in the mirror. I knew it was time to do something about it.

Since the beginning of this year, I have lost 25 pounds. I have transformed not only on the outside, but the inside as well. In January, I ran a mile without stopping for the first time in years. In April, I ran a 5k without stopping for the very first time. I learned how to tell the little voice in my head that it didn’t get to discount me. When every bone in my body wanted to quit, I pushed through. Today, I ran the fastest mile I have ever run (like faster than high school Mallory could even imagine). 25 pounds later and I am truly in the best shape of my life. I am just really stinkin’ proud of myself.

But let’s be completely honest about something really quick. My body has changed drastically since January of this year, but I still look in the mirror and immediately see the flaws. Losing the weight does not magically make you love yourself. The real work is choosing to see the value in yourself right where you are. My physical weight loss has been somewhat symbolic of the work I have done in choosing to love myself. It’s been a byproduct of believing in myself and not letting fear get in the way.

The girl in the before photo is not any less precious, valuable, or worthy than the girl in the after photo. If you are embarking on a physical journey of any kind, I hope and pray that you will see just how incredible you are right here in this moment. You have so much value regardless of the number you see on that scale, the size of your pants, or any comparison you could make to a false standard of beauty.

The girl in the before photo is not any less precious, valuable, or worthy than the girl in the after photo

A huge part of my journey these last six months has been one of becoming the strongest version of myself physically, spiritually, and yes, mentally. After losing my sweet grandaddy in January of this year, I found myself in a counselor's office for the first time in my life. I shared with my Instagram followers that, growing up, my mom was an elementary school counselor, and I always bought into the lie that I wasn’t “one of those people” who needed help. I walked into Holly’s office that day because I was mourning a loss that was so dear to me. I decided to take that hard and scary step, and I have never been more thankful for a decision made in my life.

Holly has taught me how to see the beauty in life, led me to seek truth from God, and truly helped me believe in myself like never before. Going to counseling is not a sign of weakness, but one of SO much strength. If you are thinking about reaching out for help I hope and pray you will take that step. It may be the best thing you ever do.

If no one has told you today, you are beautiful, loved, and SO special. I pray you will take the time today to find the beauty in yourself, honor your body by getting in some physical activity, and fill your cup with things that make you happy! I love you and believe in you, friend!

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